

Page history last edited by Wesley Fryer 17 years, 1 month ago

The Technology Shopping Cart


"A podcast where educational innovation thrives on the food of creative ideas."

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Welcome to the "Technology Shopping Cart" a collaborative educational podcasting effort by Karen Montgomery, Vicki Allen, and Wesley Fryer. We are aspiring to create at least two podcasts per month, approximately 20-30 minutes in length each, and are launching this project in late November 2007. This podcast is something we've talked about for many months, and are enthused to begin! Creative ideas are the food for innovation, and we want to share ideas with each other and the world to support the cause of constructive educational megachange in the United States and around the world. At a more practical level, we love learning and sharing about new ideas for using technology tools with learners, and this podcast provides us a way to share our learning together and on the global stage.


Show Outlines and Links


Links to our podcast shows are posted on "Moving at the Speed of Creativity" under the category techshoppingcart. Links to each audio podcast are also provided on each individual episode outline / shownotes page on this wiki.


Copyright / licensing terms:

Vicki Allen, Karen Montgomery, and Wesley Fryer are the authors of Technology Shopping Cart podcasts. The opinions expressed herein are our own and not necessarily those of our employers. Technology Shopping Cart podcasts are shared under a Creative Commons, Attribution 2.5 license. Access podcast shownotes and links on our wiki, at techshoppingcart.pbwiki.com.


Media Attribution


The image on this page and used in our podcast album art was photographed by Lars Hammar, and is posted on his Flickr site as "pictoral study of a shopping cart."


Music for the intro and outro of our podcast was created by Wesley Fryer using royalty free audio clips included with GaragBand '08. (Ah, behold the creative musical fun that is possible with "Magic GarageBand!")


Podcast Production Resources


Steps and links to resources we use to create our podcast..


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